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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

On-Camera Training for Driven Entrepreneurs

Video presence training to get better on-camera! Get confident on-camera to create effective, authentic videos for your social media business content creation. 

My TOP 4 Online Platforms

social media training Feb 10, 2021

I wanted to share with you my TOP 4 online platforms that I swear by in my business since they have made my biz life so much easier and more efficient.

The first one is LOOM. This platform will save you a lot of time and energy when you need to leave a message, give instructions, feedback and replies. It lets you record your face, your voice and your screen. It even allows you to highlight your own screen on how to complete certain tasks. I use it almost everyday to communicate with me team. AND they also have a chrome extension that makes it super accessible, free and easy to use. 👌

The second is ZOOM. This is the perfect platform for your meetings, training, webinars and classes too. It even lets you record the entire meeting so you can play it back! 

My third favorite platform is CALENDLY. It makes online appointment scheduling easy peasy. You can find the perfect meeting time by just sending your link that shows your available dates or even specifies only certain...

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Let's Make 2021 a Good Year!

personal development Feb 10, 2021

Can you believe it’s 2021 already??? The last year just went by so fast.  At the beginning of 2020 we probably wrote out some personal and business goals, and then fires, covid, civil unrest, elections, travel bans, separations and more happened and we were all throw off of track. But I’m curious, how many of these goals were you able to check off your list? Regardless of what is happening around us, we still hold great personal power.

This year...

Is being healthy part of your new year’s resolution?

Was it your goal to be more confident in yourself? 

Did you say that you were going to let go and learn from the past? 

Were you planning to start doing what you love or start putting up your own business? 

Do you have business goals that you haven’t hit yet?

Do you have projects that you’ve been putting off?

Do you have anything that’s left for the remaining of Q4?

If you haven’t achieved these goals,...

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Be Mindful of the Present, Be in the Now and Don't Let Fear Stop You!

personal development Feb 10, 2021

Last Oct. 2020, hubs and I were supposed to be in the UK for our BIG European trip .. We had planned to spend 3 weeks travelling through Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England enjoying the culture, scenery, food and everything else that the UK has to offer. Unfortunately, COVID-19 happened 😭. And missed travel is just one of the many challenges it created. 

Yes, it can be really frustrating when things don’t go according to our plan, especially if we don’t know what is going to unfold or what the next “anything” is going to look like. BUT, I believe that these restrictions and struggles are TEMPORARY, regardless of not knowing when it will pass, everything in life really is temporary.

So instead of focusing on things that I cannot change right now, I'm learning to EMBRACE the different things that I can, so I started planning smaller trips or getaways that are still safe and socially distant like glamping, I think we’re finally...

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Show Up for Your Business Through VIDEO

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2021

Have you noticed that in these past months, nearly everybody has now, in some way learned to be a performer or a speaker in front of a camera? That's because showing up for your business especially through VIDEO, is now a NECESSITY! Why? Because it is the EASIEST and MOST EFFECTIVE way of creating or maintaining that connection with your clients. 

🎥 Video Marketing is 60-80%  more effective than written content alone. If you’re not using video already you’re setting yourself up for a huge disadvantage, but it's not too late to change that. We must change with the times in order to survive. 

If you’re a newbie entrepreneur, using video allows you to introduce yourself and your business.

If you’re already an established entrepreneur, using video will let you expand your reach in your business.

I also know that a lot of entrepreneurs struggle getting in front of the camera because of thoughts like...

They don’t know where and how to...

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Who You Should be Talking To in Your Videos

WHO do you think you should be talking to when filming your videos? 

🗣  Are you speaking to random people, scary strangers, your best friend, your mom..your dog?

Video is a very VALUABLE and EFFECTIVE tool to be visible and to connect with the world. That little lens dot in your phone is a massively POWERFUL PORTAL for your energy, your message and for what your soul is driving to share. 

It is not just an inanimate object you are speaking to, it is what is allowing you to speak to your people.

It is the primary means for most EFFECTIVE communication, marketing and relationship building that is available to us right now. 

That is why it is important to work on your RELATIONSHIP with the camera 📹  🎥  📽  to be able to GENUINELY share your energy, your message, your service and your product directly to your TARGET audience.

The idea of talking to the...

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Want to Know What Platform Transformed My Business?

social media training Feb 09, 2021

If there’s one decision I know I will never regret making for my business, it’s switching to @kajabi. This “ALL-IN-ONE” platform integrates everything about your biz and it really TRANSFORMED my business! 

It houses my…

💻 website

📄 landing pages

🗣 courses

📈 funnels

emails…and so much MORE!!


it’s simple to use (even if you’re not tech savvy, I promise!!)

price is so worth it (no need to pay for a ga-zillion online tools because it basically does almost everything!!)

provides payment and sales automation

You may also click on the image below to check-out my YouTube video on why it's the PERFECT PLATFORM for membership entrepreneurs.


I only ever recommend products that I know, love, and use personally to this day and @kajabi is 100% that.🙌

📲  SIGN UP for the 14-day FREE trial. These 2 weeks to help inspire you into action so...

👀  watch the videos


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How Businesses Convert More Customers Using Video

There's this interesting rule that's a 7%, 38%, 55% concept that's based on this Psychologist, Albert Mehrabian's, research that shows that meaning and speech is conveyed in these proportions. Tone of voice accounts for 38% of the way the audience perceives you, and body language accounts for 55% and words, what we say, accounts for just 7% That's it. That's a huge part of why video converts so much higher than static images or written posts alone, and why the delivery of your message matters significantly. 93% significantly to be exact..

A Maya Angelou quote says 

“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”

Video converts so much higher than writing and images alone because of how it makes people feel. 

Using Video content is critical for the survival and growth of your business. But not just because storytelling is powerful and our energy creates connection; it's also...

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Video Marketing Tip for When You Feel Nervous Before Recording Your Video!

video presence Jan 29, 2021


No matter how prepared you are, getting in front of the camera can still make you feel nervous. So I want to share a video marketing tip with you on how to push the nervous energy out before recording your video. 😊 

Click on the image to find out how.

Building relaxation and loosening up will help you push out that nervous energy you feel before filming your video. We need to get a little bit messy first in order for us to get real!  

So if you ever feel your nerves spike before you hit record, remember to do these five simple steps.

Staying in our comfort zone can feel safe, easy and assuring. It’s ok to want to feel that level of security BUT if we stay there, we quite literally stop ourselves from growing, because nothing changes. It is when we are pushed out of our comfort zone that we discover what we are capable of because when we are challenged, we become stronger, more productive, more creative and more resilient than ever!

What is...

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3 Ways to Manage Your Energy - and Be on Multiple Social Media Platforms.


Even with self-care practices, we're bound to feel stress and overwhelm at some point. To help us operate from a clear mind and high energy, try these three things! 

1 - Start your “workday” with a needle moving task. 

>> This gets your energy flowing and helps to build the momentum you need to continue with your important tasks throughout the day. It also keeps you out of the inbox and on social media rabbit hole!

>>Check that big thing off your checklist at the beginning of the day, so you won’t have it creeping in the back of your mind as the day progresses.

2 - Know how to manage your energy in a way that works best for you. 

>>Our energy fluctuates, so strategically plan your tasks at the peaks and breaks at the lows of your energy level to help you maintain staying in flow throughout the day. 

>>Put those low energy tasks like folding laundry, making a grocery list, responding...

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Your Vision is Worth It!

personal development Jan 29, 2021


No matter which path we pursue in life, it will have its own unique set of both benefits and challenges. And since you're here right now I'm willing to bet that you're an entrepreneur (or thinking about being one) and that you've probably felt that "imposter syndrome" at some point. We feel that we are being pushed and expanded to grow outside of our "norm." Then comes the fear, the limiting beliefs, the “what if’s.” 

Remember, fear is our survival instinct, because anything "new" can feel like a threat. 

We begin to question ourselves…

Is my vision really worth all this? 

Am I really capable of achieving it? 

What if I fail?

What if it doesn’t work?

What happens next?

Whenever I’m confronted by these feelings, this is the question that I keep coming back to..."Is the fear that you’re feeling a VALID enough reason to NOT live the life you actually desire?"

Because we do have the CHOICE to feed...

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