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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

On-Camera Training for Driven Entrepreneurs

Video presence training to get better on-camera! Get confident on-camera to create effective, authentic videos for your social media business content creation. 

2 Tips to Ensure You Never Run Out of Postable Content

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2021

It's the beginning of the year and if you're already stuck and wondering what to post, then I'd like to share with you ✌ 2 TIPS to ensure you NEVER run out of postable content and to keep your messages flowing!

NOTE  or RECORD⏺  your reactions, thoughts, opinions or inspirations from podcasts you hear, or books you read etc. I like to text myself when something comes to mind, and then it’s easy for me to refer back to when I go to prepare my content. 

SAVE  posts that inspire you and then share your opinion on the topic to demonstrate your thought leadership in your relevant industry. Sharing our own perspectives on commonly discussed relevant ideas will help us be a fountain of ongoing content in a way of thought leadership. 

Something that I keep hearing is the STRUGGLE😩  people feel about the content they are creating; not knowing what to talk about and what to share. This is why I created...

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Welcome to my YouTube Channel!

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2021

WOO!! Hello 2021! We have a whole year ahead of us for so many new things. AND with that, I'd like to introduce my new YouTube CHANNEL!! 🙌

I truly believe that my purpose in life is to help entrepreneurs be their BESTBRILLIANT and most AUTHENTIC SELF on video. That’s why ✨ BE MARVELOUS YOU✨  camera coaching is founded on PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

In my YouTube channel, I will be sharing…

✨ tips

✨ suggestions

✨ lessons

✨ trainings

✨ inspiration...and so much more that will bring you value and help you in life and in your business.

AND I’m also going to share some videos of things that I love and love to do like travel videos with the hubs, puppy videos with my cockapoo, Leo and my hobbies like painting, dancing and a lot more!

So if you’re an entrepreneur looking to grow and expand your online presence through video or if you’d like to get a peek into my life other than video...

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4 important things you need to know about your business

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2021


As entrepreneurs, we must KNOW these 4 important things when it comes to our business.

1  WHO...is our target audience? Knowing our IDEAL CLIENT and who would benefit most from our experiences and what we can teach and share with them is very important. When you have a clear picture of the audience that you want your business to have an impact on, then you will feel SO much more at ease in your communication. The better you know who they are, the better you can deliver value, build trust, connection and not freak out too much about every little detail. :)

2  WHY...do you do what you do? Knowing the true, real, deep reason why it is that you do what you do. What the PURPOSE and INTENTION behind sharing it and putting in the work will help us connect with our clients on a personal level and keep us motivated to keep going when things get tough. It should be doing something that we truly...

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Meet Lady Kellsie Moore | Video Presence Coach & Actress

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2020

We had the good fortune of connecting with Lady Kellsie Moore and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lady Kellsie, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
This question of balance particularly jumped out at me today considering how much 2020 has thrown us all, off-balance. When we’re working in a career job that has a boss, a structured schedule and paid holidays, the balance is somewhat provided for us, but when we’re on our own as entrepreneurs, it’s up to ourselves to figure out what needs to be, when and how and it absolutely can become all-consuming. My first few years out of college were spent working at an engineering firm downtown in the mornings 9am-12noon and then across town from 1pm-9pm at the correctional facility and then working a photobooth at weddings on the weekends, all just to make ends meet. I became exhausted, depleted, drained, cynical, angry and was suffering from massive panic attacks. I didn’t know...

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Captivate on Camera: Do you Connect Authentically with Your Audience?

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2020

Authenticity seems to be the word of the year when it comes to entrepreneurship, but how do you show up authentically when you feel nothing but awkward on camera? Making emotional connections with your audience is vital. So, how do you present yourself in a manner that both represents you and your brand in a natural way and gets your message across?

Lady Kellsie Moore understands your challenge. She helps those driven to connect with their target audience better. When it comes to the camera, some people have a natural gift and charisma, but for the rest of us, the idea of being front and center on camera causes people to freeze up.

Today, she helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs reach the people most important to their business in a comfortable, natural way. It’s not as simple as turning on your camera, but she’s got some great strategies to get you started.

One key aspect of her program is in helping business owners match their inner version of why they’re...

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Are You Camera Ready? Lady Kellsie Moore Shows Entrepreneurs How to Authentically Connect with Their Audience

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2020

Digging into business comes easy for driven entrepreneurs, but when it comes to putting their best face forward in front of a camera, many are lost. That’s where Lady Kellsie Moore of Be Marvelous You comes in. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, coaching them to create authentic connections with their audience while getting their message out to the world.

Charisma may come naturally to some, while others stiffen up like a board, unable to present their business confidence in a way that reaches their target audience. Instead of projecting their value and unique talent, they freeze up and lose sight of the message they’d hoped to share.

Kellsie helps business owners strategically map out a plan that helps their inner vision match what they’re showing and telling their audience. As an actress and on-camera coach, she understands how to bring out the best in people to help them showcase their authentic selves in a way that connects with their...

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How to Captivate on Camera with Authentic Storytelling

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / May 26, 2020 / Kellsie Moore is a professional Actress and On-Camera Coach for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. She specializes in helping these high-achieving business owners become empowered to be their best self in life and on-camera; helping them craft their unique message in a way that creates a powerful and authentic connection to their audience through video, so they can stand out from the crowd and become a magnetic brand. Her coaching helps these entrepreneurs optimize their on-camera presence with more confidence and charisma to better connect, communicate and serve their audiences. She works with her clients to map out a strategically aligned plan for them to bring their inner life vision into their external world!

Photography credit: Erika Edwards https://www.instagram.com/erika.arlee/

You're known for speaking about how to share your message through authentic video storytelling. Tell us more about what inspires you and why you've...

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How Businesses Convert More Customers Using Video

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

How Businesses Convert More Customers Using Video

Actress and Video Presence Coach Kellsie Moore launches a new online class to help busy entrepreneurs find greater authenticity and increase conversions. 

 June 8, 2020—Denver, Colorado: Captivate on Camera is an all-new online video marketing course for entrepreneurs now available by actress and video presence coach Kellsie Moore. Moore’s expertise lies in helping business owners find their authentic voice, and then show up confident on camera to captivate the audience with the power of their message as the focal point. 

With the demand for video content on the rise and video marketers obtaining 66% more qualified leads per year (Optinmonster, 2019), video marketing is a digital tool that business owners can no longer afford to overlook. The current conditions of the coronavirus global pandemic have driven more businesses and consumers online as a necessity, and the obstacles to using video effectively are...

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Actress and Coach Kellsie Moore on How Video Can Transform Your Business

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

Kellsie Moore is an actress and Video Presence Coach who is helping entrepreneurs craft authentic videos with a unique message by training them to become more natural, comfortable, charismatic, and confident on camera.

 Kellsie Moore is an Actress and Video Presence Coach for high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs; helping them look, sound and FEEL great on-camera. She helps business owners craft their unique message in a way that creates a powerful and authentic connection to their audience through video, so they can stand out from the crowd and become a magnetic brand. Everything she coaches stems from a personal development perspective to help her clients become more natural, comfortable, charismatic, and confident in front of the lens to make the impact they desire and finally enjoy doing video! 


Photo credit: https://www.joannadegeneres.com/

Kellsie grew up in Apple Valley, Minnesota until High School where she moved to Loveland, Colorado. The idea of...

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5 Tips To Help You Finally Get On Video For Your Business by Kellsie Moore

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

Helping you look, sound, and feel great on camera. 

You know that, in business, it is important to appear confident when on camera, right? Wouldn’t you love to not only appear confident but to feel it, too, deep down in your bones? You can. Confidence is an emotion. It is something we feel, something that can be a fleeting friend or foe. You may even consider yourself a highly confident person, but when you step in front of the camera lens to begin speaking, you feel yourself freeze and become consumed with self-doubt. Your mouth goes dry, your hands shake, and your delivery is filled with “ums.” 

 First and foremost; that is okay, that is normal. When our brain senses we are in danger, our body produces adrenaline, which causes all of those side effects. Speaking to a glass and metal object does not feel recognizable to our brains until we train it to, and can absolutely feel like we are stretching way outside of our comfort zone. That kicks in all...

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