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Blogs for Online Business

The entrepreneurial lessons I've learned, with tangible tips and tricks for you! business coaching personal development personal life Jul 06, 2021

Expert Author STORY Kellsie Moore


"Kellsie Moore is the top Video Performance Coach and Media Trainer for high-achieving Entrepreneurs to become their best selves on camera! Her unique,...

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My Non-surgical TMJ-D Journey! Part 1 Sharing my story, symptoms and treatment personal development personal life May 18, 2021

I want to share this message with you because as a speaker, having a new speech impediment is creating an opportunity to grow through insecurity again and I've already been receiving so many...

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I'm self conscious about this, but I showed up on camera anyway personal life tmj video presence May 10, 2021

So you may or not have seen this yet, but I shared it on the gram.. 

I have a bit of a lisp now. I'm hoping that my mouth will fully adapt and I'll be able to speak...

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Are those "Lady" and "Lord" titles real? What does it mean and which one should I get? personal life Apr 21, 2021

This is a fun and random review today! But I am happy to say that I am "officially" a Lady. :D 

In this video, I firstly share WHY I decided to get a "Lady" title and then I compare the ...

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