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Blogs for Business! Helping Digital Entrepreneurs Succeed and Scale

This One Tip Will Save You from So Much Fear of Judgement video coaching video presence Mar 05, 2021

I was speaking with a client last week and she was feeling extra nervous about posting a video she recently made because she saw that her ex-roommate (who was highly critical and rude) was viewing...

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What Being Authentic Online Means personal development social media training Mar 05, 2021

This quote (in pic below) by William W. Purkey is something we should probably all live by. 💓

Social media and online presence opens us to being more exposed to criticism and that so often stops us...

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Mindset and Attitude personal development video coaching video presence Mar 05, 2021

Did you know that MINDSET and ATTITUDE are some of the few things that YOU actually CAN CONTROL in life? 🎮

These are incredibly POWERFUL assets we have...

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Are You Into the Human Design Thing? personal development Mar 05, 2021

Have you ever heard or read of the HUMAN DESIGN? It is a cool insight into the natal birth chart because it is based on the exact time, location and the energies that were present when we...

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Are You on Track with Your 2021 Goals? personal development video coaching video presence Feb 26, 2021

Can you believe we’re almost 3 months into 2021?!😯😯😯

Are you on track with your goals? If you are, nice! that’s great!👏  If you’re a bit behind on your...

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Did You Ever Go to the Parade of Homes? personal development Feb 26, 2021

Did you ever go to the Parade of Homes?🏘  That row of new houses that you could walk through and see if it was the style you wanted or not? Well, when I was in highschool, my mom did some...

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The Intention We Set Right Now for Our Future Matters! personal development Feb 26, 2021

📸  by @erika.arlee 

When you look into your future for 2021, what do you see? 👀

Your answer right now might not be the same as last year, but that is OK! It is absolutely normal for us...

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3 Tips to the Easiest Marketing Plan...Ever!! social media training video coaching video presence Feb 26, 2021

Want to know 3 tips to the EASIEST marketing plan...ever? Then scroll

STEP 1 : BE CONFIDENT 🙌 ! Your energy is huge and is the most important part of being able...

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Learn to Back Yourself! personal development video presence Feb 19, 2021

One of the biggest lies I’ve had to work to overcome is the belief that our income is a direct reflection of our effort. That the hard work and the value of what I put in are what will...

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Super Helpful Tips Before and During Video Recording video coaching video presence Feb 19, 2021

by @erika.arlee

We humans are wired for social interaction for survival. And during this pandemic, that in-person, social need has hit a lot of obstacles, so the next best thing we have at our...

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Did You Celebrate? personal development Feb 19, 2021

WOOO, tomorrow is FRI-YAY! 💃💃💃

JK I love all the days 🤗

Honestly, Mondays are probably my favorite because it feels like such a fresh start each week! But I've also recently started to take...

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Your Vision personal development Feb 12, 2021

What's the VISION you have for your true, desired life? And your business?

Write. It. Down.

💭 A vision is a picture of what and where you want your life to be.

☝BUT vision & ideas...

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