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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

On-Camera Training for Driven Entrepreneurs

Video presence training to get better on-camera! Get confident on-camera to create effective, authentic videos for your social media business content creation. 

The Truth Behind Video Marketing

The Reality is that Video is a Reflection Of You - The Real You.

It’s obvious that video is recording us, what we look like, what we sound like, our body language, but too often people forget that it also captures our energy.

The portal of the lens is an incredible tool that shares your essence, your meaning, and your intention behind the words you say to the audience in a profound and captivating way that can transform the viewer in an instant.

Has a movie ever made you cry? Or Laugh, or feel Loved? What about a touching Tiktok? That’s what I’m talking about. Video can transform people in an instant. 

I hope that feels a little daunting. It’s a fairly grand responsibility when you think about it, it’s a powerful resource, so you have a responsibility to be diligent and intentional with how you wield it.

Because there’s so much noise, and so many videos online now, it’s also our responsibility to ensure that we show up with potency,...

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3 Mistakes Youā€™re Making When Filmingā€¦

3 Mistakes You’re Making When Filming…

1) Not implementing my signature before, during, and after process when making video content for your business. Your filming will go significantly smoother if you do the warm-up and prep before you record!

2) Listening to your fearful inner bully voice that’s criticizing you while you film. Instead, Focus on the emotion you why your audience to feel from what you’re saying and what they can get out of the message.

3) Too much fluff in the video. Get to the point fast and keep the distractions to a minimum. Remember to support your paradigm shifting points with supporting stories but keep them related to the topic.

Which one have you caught yourself doing? 

Ready to master your video presence and take your business and influence to the next level? Email me, Kellsie, at [email protected] to find the perfect service for you. 

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Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach

I am so excited to announce that I am a guest speaker for a 100% FREE NEW online series for camera-shy entrepreneurs!

As you can see, this one is INCREDIBLY on-brand for me. Starting on June 28th, 2021, you are invited to join me for the:

Entrepreneur Camara Confidence Summit
Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach

Listen, I’m going to give it to you straight.

People are  79% more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video.

Deep down inside do you have a desire to be seen, heard, and to make an impact?

…but you’re scared to be online?
…scared to be judged, humiliated, or shamed?

If you’re holding yourself back from revealing who you are, where else are you holding yourself back from in life?
Think of what else HIDING is costing you.

You’re not alone. So many people feel disempowered when they face a camera. They judge themselves too harshly and become too critical of their appearance,...

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If you really want to change your business and your life in the next 6 months

again and again and again...

I’ll be going LIVE on June 28th for a 100% FREE series called
Entrepreneur Camera Confidence: 
Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach! 

… and I’m so excited!
Imagine…how would your life transform if you finally had the confidence and skills to deliver your message to more people?

You’ll walk away from this series knowing exactly how to:

  • Overcome the greatest insecurities and fears to getting in front of a camera.
  • Take back control over your life and stand in your personal power once and for all!
  • Make more money & influence more people just by being who you are!
  • Learn how to take great pictures and videos every single time.
  • Get tips on how to manage your mind and accelerate your progress towards your business & personal goals!

…and so, so much more 

But to make a breakthrough with camera-phobia you have to make a choice right...

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How a hat applies to your business and why it really matters!

Two weeks ago I was at one of my favorite places in the world - The Broadmoor Resort - and a random guy my age, walked by me and said "I really like your hat, it suits you!" with a genuine smile and it totally made my day! I thought that was such an intriguing compliment. This guy doesn't know me, how would he know if it suits me or not. ‍ It's actually a borrowed hat from my mom-in-law.

BUT it totally does suit me!

The hat perfectly matched my vibe, outfit, energy, and environment and that's what energetic-based branding does. People ask me all the time what to wear, how to do their hair or make-up for their videos, what their backdrop should be, etc. And the answer can be frustrating because, yes there are best practices to follow that will help you out, but it all really just comes down to you BEING more of YOU.

Your vibe - your energy sets the tone more than anything else, all the other things stem from that. When you start behaving as the authentic, unapologetic, leader...

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let's make your first (or next) video together!

Imagine what it would feel like to…

  finally be able to "hop on" video and get it DONE

  stop procrastinating and make some MAGIC?

  POWERFULLY share your message and REACH new people in a real way?

  actually feel CONFIDENT and COMFORTABLE in front of the lens?

...you will feel happy, proud of yourself and it will be WORTH IT for you and for your business. I promise!

With my NEW webinar, I will help you LEVEL UP   and feel empowered and alive on camera. 

If you’re ready for these benefits, click   HERE and join my FREE webinar on  “SUCCESS IS IN VIDEO” and we will make your FIRST video live!

Want to know how I keep my energy up to do all of this?? My “GO TO” drink when I want to enjoy something yummy and creamy? 

It’s @organifi GOLD (original).   It’s a 9-superfood...

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would you rather have the camera facing you or your doggo?

Your Video CONTENT TIPS Continued...Save this one!

The good news is that you want to show up on camera with your face, AND your doggo!! Or kids/view/office etc. 

1) To grow a business, people need to know what to come to you for, so it's key to stay focused, niche and consistent when posting, so that you can become the go-to company for the thing that you serve, that you sell.

AND, especially in this digital age, people want to buy from real human people, so don't ONLY talk about business...

It's super fun to get to know the person behind the product! Your IG stories are the perfect place to show your behind-the-scenes, personal life, the process of how you do things, your doggo etc.

2) To build relationships with your audience, you'll want engagement! That's likes, saves, comments, shares on your posts, DM's and story interactions. A great way to do this is to ask questions during your videos and tell people to comment their answers!

Ask them their opinions, thoughts, their own...

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I'm self conscious about this, but I showed up on camera anyway


So you may or not have seen this yet, but I shared it on the gram.. 

I have a bit of a lisp now. I'm hoping that my mouth will fully adapt and I'll be able to speak without an impediment - ESPECIALLY as a video coach and actress... but I'm determined to show up regardless. 

I've been dealing with some pretty extreme TMJ-D symptoms and pain for a few years now and it's become quite unbearable. I'm planning on making a video sharing my symptoms, the treatment plan, how it progresses etc., is that something you'd like to see?

And honestly, I thought I would be in surgery at this time and be prepping for 3-4 months with my mouth wired shut, eating only liquids through a straw and not being able to speak for months (I was SUPER stressed about this idea for so many reasons) because that was the only solution presented to me, for years. 

But, by some miracle, I found out about this rather unknown facial appliance movement treatment that takes...

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What does being "Authentic On-Camera" actually mean? What if I *feel* scared?


You'll hear me talk a lot about being "authentic on- camera." So I want to share with you what that really means.

Public speaking can be absolutely terrifying or absolutely exhilarating. And speaking into a lens is now the most common form of public speaking. Most people won't be feeling like their best, most confident selves before getting in front of the camera, or getting on a stage. So, it begs the question, how to show up "authentically" as the real you, even if you're feeling scared, but in a way that can still inspire, inform and entertain your audience?
I actually wanted to use the stage example for a moment because I was just having a conversation with a really amazing, phenomenal stage speaker. She's well known and has traveled to speak on several famous stages in front of thousands of people. And she was saying, well, I don't want to show up as my authentic self at that moment because it would be just the scared shitless person who's feeling...
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Why "Just Practice" is the worst advice for getting on video


Why "Just Practice" is the worst advice for getting on video 

Second to being in person, video is the most potent version of connection and communication that we have with one another. Especially when we're building those new relationships, growing our audience and we're really getting our personal brand out there in front of new people that haven't met us before.
They don't know us personally. We didn't get the chance to meet them at an event or work with them one-on-one, at least not yet. So we're creating that initial introduction in the most impactful way possible, which is through this energetic connection that happens through the lens.
Think of when you've watched a movie or a TV show, that's impacted you in a real way.
That made you laugh. That made you cry. That made you feel like you know them or you see yourself in them, in their character, in their performance, or the times when you've watched them and been like, "Oh, that was...
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