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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

On-Camera Training for Driven Entrepreneurs

Video presence training to get better on-camera! Get confident on-camera to create effective, authentic videos for your social media business content creation. 

How To Get Started With Kajabi And Create Your Course, App, Funnels and More ASAP

business coaching kajabi Jul 24, 2021


How To Get Started With Kajabi And Create Your Course, App, Funnels and More ASAP
Grab your free trial of Kajabi + two free incredible bonuses here.

Have you seen the BONUSES I offer just for using my link?
Kajabi will be sending you fantastic training videos on how to use the platform to get you started, and there are tons of tutorials here on youtube, what you need, is coaching on your specific questions.

So, when you sign up for the trial with any of my links, I will be sending you TWO free thank you bonuses!

When you sign up here: (get your free 30 days!)

You get #1) A welcome email from me with a coaching form in it, you can ask any business or kajabi question and get personal coaching back from me!


#2) Once you decide you love it and become a paying...

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How to finally become visible online

There are SO many incredible, free trainings that can help you uplevel, support you and give you the guidance you're looking for. One of my favorite parts about these speaking summits/events etc. is that they aren't sales pitches. They are insightful questions, answers, discussions, experiences, and knowledge being shared freely and it introduces you to either a new person or a deeper experience of a person and you can always take that next step to work with them if you would like because you've already been able to discover what they're about.

I hope you find these helpful and enjoyable!

Are you ready for your message to be seen and heard? 

But is the thought of ...

  • going live = scary?
  • being totally unedited and real = terrifying?
  • creating interesting content just a big question mark?
  • being consistent = exhausting?
  • sharing pictures of yourself makes your skin crawl? (you’re just seeing your flaws)

If you know you need to change this and you’re wondering what...

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The entrepreneurial lessons I've learned, with tangible tips and tricks for you!

Expert Author STORY Kellsie Moore


"Kellsie Moore is the top Video Performance Coach and Media Trainer for high-achieving Entrepreneurs to become their best selves on camera! Her unique, insightful expertise comes from her work as a professional actress and personal development background after leaving her career in corrections. As a sought-after Speaker, Founder, and Digital CEO, she empowers personal brands to optimize their on-screen presence with authenticity, excellence, confidence, and charisma."


I remember thinking “This is really stupid. Why am I doing this with my life?" I was reaching for the scissors in my desk drawer, just in case, as my enraged client, recently released after 25 years of prison for murder, was storming at me, blocking the only exit. It was 2014 and I was working as a Case Manager in an adult male correctional facility in this old broken down, used to be tuberculosis hospital building around 9 PM as rain leaked into my...

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Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach

I am so excited to announce that I am a guest speaker for a 100% FREE NEW online series for camera-shy entrepreneurs!

As you can see, this one is INCREDIBLY on-brand for me. Starting on June 28th, 2021, you are invited to join me for the:

Entrepreneur Camara Confidence Summit
Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach

Listen, I’m going to give it to you straight.

People are  79% more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video.

Deep down inside do you have a desire to be seen, heard, and to make an impact?

…but you’re scared to be online?
…scared to be judged, humiliated, or shamed?

If you’re holding yourself back from revealing who you are, where else are you holding yourself back from in life?
Think of what else HIDING is costing you.

You’re not alone. So many people feel disempowered when they face a camera. They judge themselves too harshly and become too critical of their appearance,...

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If you really want to change your business and your life in the next 6 months

again and again and again...

I’ll be going LIVE on June 28th for a 100% FREE series called
Entrepreneur Camera Confidence: 
Conquer Camera Phobia to Maximize Your Audience Reach! 

… and I’m so excited!
Imagine…how would your life transform if you finally had the confidence and skills to deliver your message to more people?

You’ll walk away from this series knowing exactly how to:

  • Overcome the greatest insecurities and fears to getting in front of a camera.
  • Take back control over your life and stand in your personal power once and for all!
  • Make more money & influence more people just by being who you are!
  • Learn how to take great pictures and videos every single time.
  • Get tips on how to manage your mind and accelerate your progress towards your business & personal goals!

…and so, so much more 

But to make a breakthrough with camera-phobia you have to make a choice right...

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Summit to Your Success! Women's Free Speaking Event!

business coaching Jun 23, 2021

Do you ever wonder how some women seem to have figured out this online business thing and are rocking it out while others struggle? Imagine if you knew what the successful women knew...

Now you can join me and 25 other rock star women who have cracked the code! I mean, I'm always learning and evolving and really enjoy hearing what is working for other gals and seeing how I can apply those strategies to my own life and business, so that's what we're sharing with you.

Learn our secrets as we tell all in an authentic and simple way on the Summit to Success Summit.

This is for you if you have ever thought:

…..I wonder what it takes to host a summit?
…..I wonder how to use my voice like Morgan Freeman does (for real).
…..I’d love to be on camera but I’m hesitant because I’m an introvert and I’m afraid I’ll just look stupid. (Well, because fear is real.)
…..I wonder how to work less & charge more. (Day rates are your cure.)

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A healthy Fruit Punch?

energy Jun 21, 2021

It's my favorite drink!! It really is the best I'm not exaggerating. The RED tastes like genuine fruit punch and has about a gagillion superfoods in it.
Including rhodiola, siberian ginseng, cordyceps & reishi
mushrooms, beets and more... Organifi Red Juice is an amazing way to pump up my energy levels and lift my spirits!

I drink this or the green or gold and the protein shake nearly every single day. They are HANDS DOWN the absolute best tasting that I have ever tried, and I have tried a ton.

This sale only happens once a YEAR - today and tomorrow, any orders over $100 will get free shipping + 20% OFF using my code "kellsie" at this link (also in my bio!)

#selflove #drewcanole
#motivation #healthylifestyle
#inspiration #choosehealth
#personaldevelopment #mindset #love
#encouragement #lifestyle
#vision #believeinyourself #health #greenjuice #bestgreenjuice...

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Okay but don't freak out..

business coaching Jun 16, 2021

don't freak out.😅

Creating, validating, marketing, selling and scaling a business online is CHALLENGING. We all need some structure, support and insight into how to do this successfully.

That's why I learn from my biz coach, this fun guy here in the pic 🤗 @jameswedmore who does this very well, bringing in over 10 million revenue a year.

Want to learn from him too? For free? It's not too late to join in on the LIVE showing of the "Rise of The Digital CEO" make sure you use my link for incredible bonuses I'm putting together for you!


Me talking to my inner critic...

So, are you ready to see what you CAN do? I'm betting it's bigger than what you think..

Save your seat now! https://bit.ly/kellsieriseceo 
It's time to RISE.

xo, kellsie

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How a hat applies to your business and why it really matters!

Two weeks ago I was at one of my favorite places in the world - The Broadmoor Resort - and a random guy my age, walked by me and said "I really like your hat, it suits you!" with a genuine smile and it totally made my day! I thought that was such an intriguing compliment. This guy doesn't know me, how would he know if it suits me or not. ‍ It's actually a borrowed hat from my mom-in-law.

BUT it totally does suit me!

The hat perfectly matched my vibe, outfit, energy, and environment and that's what energetic-based branding does. People ask me all the time what to wear, how to do their hair or make-up for their videos, what their backdrop should be, etc. And the answer can be frustrating because, yes there are best practices to follow that will help you out, but it all really just comes down to you BEING more of YOU.

Your vibe - your energy sets the tone more than anything else, all the other things stem from that. When you start behaving as the authentic, unapologetic, leader...

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Does a Rising Tide *actually lift all Boats when it comes to Business?

business coaching Jun 16, 2021

It actually does. BECAUSE the whole "rising tide lifts all boats" concept is because when we "fail" ie. learn something, we and others can improve from those lessons. When we succeed and reach a goal, we then inspire others and show them and ourselves that more is possible.

Keep Going.
Keep Rising.

If you're wanting to have an online business and not already signed up for the free "Rise of The Digital CEO" 3-day training, what are you waiting for?

Grab your spot now, because it's starting!! Right now - today!

(The training closes in just a few days so it might be on a waitlist now!)

See if Business by Design is right for you! https://bit.ly/kellsiebbd2021 open from June 28-July 1st, 2021, after that, get your butt on the waitlist for next year, don't miss it!

TODAY! It’s fair to say that 2020 brought more opportunity to the Online Business World than in any other time. So many entrepreneurs took full...

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