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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

On-Camera Training for Driven Entrepreneurs

Video presence training to get better on-camera! Get confident on-camera to create effective, authentic videos for your social media business content creation. 

Your Story Must Be Known: The Importance of Video Connection and Storytelling to Grow Your Business

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

 If you do not share your experiences, no one will know that they happened. Obvious, right? As people, we have an innate desire for our stories to be known, for us to be known, to feel seen, heard and understood. But the value of your journey goes beyond your own individual need for connection. Ask yourself, who could possibly benefit from learning my experience, and why? And, please, put the feelings of being unworthy, unimportant, or not enough aside for a moment. Almost all of us experience those nagging self-doubts and even deep fears that no one would really care if we did share anyway. But let’s assume someone does care: how could your lived experience help them? Because the reality is that someone out there is waiting desperately to hear your story, so that they can now feel seen, heard, known and understood. 

 Ever watch a movie and see yourself as the character you enjoyed so much? You relate to them and what they need to overcome, regardless of your...

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Kajabi vs. Clickfunnels vs. Kartra

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2019

 Top 5 Reasons to Switch to Kajabi

Firstly, let me tell you real quick that there is an AMAZING summer deal going on right now from July 1st - August 1st 2019, for new sign-ups, only offered through a few partners. If you use my affiliate link here, you will get 10% OFF your entire subscription!!! SUPERRRRR worth it, especially if you grab that annual package. 


We’ve all been there: dark, late nights spent awake, staring at our screens, pulling our hair out over clunky online interfaces. The story is the same: another membership program promising ease and success on their homepage. You purchased, downloaded, installed…and now it’s driving you crazy.

I’ve been there. Too many times to count, as much as I hate to admit it. To be honest, I always thought of myself as a pretty tech-savvy person, so when I couldn’t easily navigate Kartra or Clickfunnels, I felt like the fault was my own. Perhaps...

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