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Who Else has Been Redecorating During this Time? 😅

personal development Feb 10, 2021

Ever since the pandemic started, we've been spending most of our time at home.  I was already working from home, but now, pretty much everyone is... AND it's now transformed into the shared office, a school, a restaurant and even a gym...relate much?🙋‍♀️ So I'm curious, what is your absolute favorite place in your home right now? Me, I love hanging out on our patio and being able to feel the breeze and soak in that natural light. So when I decided to do some redeco, I really put a lot of time, effort, energy and ok a bit of 💸 as well, especially because it has become my favorite home office area.

I spend the majority of my time getting things done while sitting outside every chance I get. And now, this boho chic bungalow is finally done and I couldn’t be more happy with how it looks and the vibe that it gives. 🤩🤩🤩

Scroll down to see the before (mess), disastrous transition, and cute after photos!

We currently live in a rather tiny space, so I optimized as much as possible and make it super multi-functional! Now I'm trying to winterize it the best I can so that Leo and I can keep sitting out there on the chilly days too 🤗.

What are some of the projects you're doing that keep you excited and motivated??

If you're wondering why it may be helpful to redecorate a space that we spend most of our time in, it's because our emotional and mental state is greatly affected by our environment. So think of THAT place in your home and make it functional, enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a small place as long as it has makes you feel inspired and productive. 💓

AND while you're hanging out in your favorite space, whether your working, cooking and especially if you're just relaxing, you can play this podcast episode I had with Sasha Danielle, in the background. I will share with you how to turn your biggest passion into a business. 🙌

Click on the image to listen.




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