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TUTORIAL: How to Use Kajabi's New Coaching Product to Grow Your Business

business coaching kajabi Oct 27, 2021

Kajabi YT description

►► Grab your free trial of Kajabi, Coaching launch special + two free epic bonuses here: https://bit.ly/kellsiekajabicoaching 

#1) A welcome email from me with a coaching form in it, you can ask any business or kajabi question and get personal coaching back from me!


#2) Once you decide you love it and become a paying member, I will gift you my entire "Be Camera Confident Bootcamp with the VIP upgrade Social Media Prompts" Bundle!!

If you sign up but don’t receive that welcome email from me, please just email at [email protected] to let me know and we’ll get you set up!
(Sometimes ad blockers, private browsers etc. can interrupt the tracking link and it will miss the connection.)

0-2min Intro
2-5min Free trial + my bonuses
5-5:56 Special launch
6 Inside products
7:05 Coaching product

In this video I show you a full walkthrough of Kajabi’s new product launch of their incredible COACHING section. They were already the top of the line for course creators, masters at pipelines (funnels), beautiful and modern website, landing and sales pages, CRM system, video hosting, podcast hosting and more - and now ALSO have an incredible dedicated coaching system.

You should watch this video if you currently are an online coach or course creator or have been wanting to become one and join the incredible knowledge business for a long time and are ready to get started. This is the perfect time and opportunity to do that exactly!

I’m going to guide you in how to get started and the best part is, you don’t have to pay for the first 30 days. In fact, with this particular promotion right now, you will ALSO get access to several trainings from top brands like James Wedmore and Haley Burckhead. AND you’ll get 6 months of a premium scheduler and domain name for free included in your plan.

PLUS my bonuses. Yup, it’s a freaking great deal and the perfect time - this specific offer is only active through November 7, 2021 so you might as well sign up for the free trial and get started asap!

Grab the deal here: https://bit.ly/kellsiekajabicoaching 

// The team that built part of my website (www.kellsiemoore.com): https://www.buzzcube.io/?afmc=1l 
I highly recommend them if you have a lot of pages to build out in a short amount of time, they’re rockstars!

//What is Kajabi?

Kajabi is the all-in-one, one-stop shop place for online course creators. You get full website hosting, a private online community, pdf/document storage, Wistia video hosting, beautiful and easy to create landing pages and sales pages, stripe AND paypal integration, quizzes, affiliate management, webinar hosting (both live and pre-recorded) AND a whole CRM system included in right there. Kajabi is an online business platform that will help you make money online by selling products, offers, services and provide you with all the tools you could possibly need to grow your business and brand online.

What are you waiting for?

If you are looking for a one stop solution that does it all for online business, look no further - Kajabi is the answer!
Try your free 30 days here:

//Kajabi Series -
I’ll be creating a ton of Kajabi training videos to help you get the most ease and success from the platform! In this video series I’ll go through EVERYTHING you need to know about Kajabi to help take your business to the next level.

Click to see why I switched over to Kajabi in the first place: https://youtu.be/F8wL_0sOqm0 

//Microphone I use: https://bit.ly/kellsiemic 

// K E L L S I E
I'm Lady Kellsie, an entrepreneur & professional actress. I’m the Video Presence Coach for Leaders; helping you look, sound, FEEL & BE great on-camera. We use your story and expertise to craft your unique message in a way that creates a powerful and authentic connection to your audience through video. This is how you stand out online and become a magnetic brand! Everything I coach stems from a personal development perspective to help my clients become more natural, comfortable, charismatic and confident in front of the lens to make the impact you desire + finally enjoy doing video!

// S U B S C R I B E

// F O L L O W
Website | www.kellsiemoore.com
Instagram | @Kellsie_Moore

NOTE: This video is NOT sponsored. All products were purchased by myself. All opinions are my own, 100% candid opinions from personal experience, regardless of sponsorship, referral links, and/or affiliation. Many of the links I share are referral and/or affiliate links; this means that I’ll earn a small commission based on your purchase that do not cost you anything (and will be super grateful and send virtual hugs your way! :))



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