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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

The two things you need to be doing to *ACTUALLY* grow your business

Did you know that I was able to…

βœ”οΈgrow my business

βœ”οΈget my course out there


βœ”οΈbecome a guest speaker

βœ”οΈbe on podcasts…


#1 - The credibility my CONSISTENT content (especially video) online gave me. I demonstrated myself as a speaker, an expert, experienced and passionate. πŸŽ€

#2 - The CONNECTIONS I made from attending live multi-day events, both virtual and in person. From showing up and building relationships. 🀝

Live events (pre-COVID) CHANGED the game for me in big ways, for my business growth, paradigm shifts, meeting incredible new clients and making genuine friendships. The πŸ‘₯  PEOPLE, conversations and interactions are really WHY you go to events. ⁠


>>That’s how you meet people.⁠⠀

>>That’s how you get collaborations.⁠⠀

>>That’s how you get hired.⁠⠀

>>That’s how you build these friendship groups.⁠⠀


πŸ‘‰ Attend (virtual or in-person) these meetings, summits or events when you can.

πŸ‘‰ Show up for yourself!

πŸ‘‰ Show up for the people who also want the same things you do.

πŸ‘‰ Show up, believe in yourself and have the content online to back it up.

“Get your butt in the rooms.”πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

πŸ“Œ Visit my PRESS PAGE if you’d like to know the podcasts, guest speaking events and features that I’m honored to have been part of.

Also, on my podcast episode with @kelseylowshow, we talked about how so many people click into Instagram and kind of get sucked into this negativity and comparison state that being on social media doesn’t lift them up.πŸ™‡‍♀️

My question is…

πŸ‘‰ who are you following?

πŸ‘‰ what are you watching?

πŸ‘‰ what are you listening to?

BECAUSE for me, whenever I need that hit of inspiration, I open my Instagram and be very cognisant of how long I'm on there and even if it’s just for 2 mins. or 5 mins, I get so lit up, I get so inspired and I feel great because of the people I’m following.

They πŸ’« inspire me, πŸ’« motivate me, πŸ’« share positivity and spirituality in a profound sense.

☝️ Remember that WE have control and power over what it is that we choose to FOCUS on. Pay attention to what it is we are looking at every single day, especially when it comes to the digital world. I know that social media can be weaponized and dangerous but it can also be a free tool that allows us for βœ¨ MIRACLES and βœ¨ MAGIC, and incredible access to organic marketing!

>>It creates an amazing opportunity for us and we have that control to choose how we use it.

>>It is just a tool within our power to see how we use that resource available to us.

>>It can either be a source of magic and inspiration OR danger…but the choice is yours..it’s up to you..it’s up to us.

That's why we should always be mindful of what we feed our eyes πŸ‘€, our ears πŸ‘‚ and our mind 🧠 . If it doesn’t inspire you, lift you or it makes you feel less about yourself, then it is OK click unfollow.πŸ€—

To listen more on what we talked about creating confidence, conviction & authenticity on camera, give the episode a full listen. πŸŽ§





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