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The Perfect Online Platform?

In this comparison review, I talk about the perfect platform for membership entrepreneurs, I hope this will help you in choosing between Kajabi, Clickfunnels & Kartra.

When the guided trial is closed, grab the free 14 day option here! https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/j...​

In just one month, I created a full website, my sales funnels, landing pages, email sequences, videos and hosted my entire 6-week course on this platform.

Going online is a big decision and just as switching from PC to Mac, or vice versa, there are different benefits and value offers that each platform can offer.
Comparison review of the top three all in one platforms for online courses and membership sites. How it works and is it right for you?!

2021 still true! The one-sentence version...Switching to Kajabi felt like when I moved from PC to Mac.

Online Course Platform and membership site - choosing the right online course platform can be tough. See why I chose Kajabi and TRY IT FREE https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/d...​

I love Kajabi and it just keeps getting better and better! They are constantly improving and making changes based on the members' feedback.

Kajabi vs Teachable - find out here: https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/o​...

Frustrated using Kartra, Clickfunnels, Leadpages or one of the others? Then you'll want to watch this walk through opinion on Kajabi; I've found my new home! https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/j...​

Grab your special Kajabi discounts and deals here:

Thank you so much for using my referral link! It helps me out a ton!!

A couple important things I forgot to note in the video:
- Kajabi and Kartra HOST your videos for FREE, meaning you do NOT need to post your content on youtube or vimeo, they upload directly to your membership site. Clickfunnels does not do that.
- If you want ALL the fancy features that webinars offer, you're still probably best off using a third party site specifically designed for that like Webinarjam; however, I loved Kajabi's webinar platform and design and definitely think that is enough. Same thing with emails, if you want ALL the tagging and segmenting options and have a huge list to track, infusionsoft is still probably your best bet, just make sure you are either super comfortable with that complicated platform or someone on your team is.
- As of now I use kajabi for everything including my Webinars, my emails and of course the membership platform, as well as all of my sales funnels, landing pages and marketing and I absolutely love it!

Want to make passive income by sharing your knowledge? Ever thought about teaching online? Want to build an online community? Whether you're an independent expert, consultant, coach, entrepreneur, author, speaker, you could turn that knowledge into money by creating an online course, membership site or digital product.
You'll need a place to put your online course (aka e-course) on the internet- and that is an online course platform (aka online learning platform/ membership site). There are LOTS out there with different pros and cons.

If you’re an entrepreneur working on making more video content then register ASAP for my FREE “The Ultimate On-Camera Checklist” to get you started successfully on video: http://www.marvelousoncamera.com/​

// K E L L S I E
I'm Kellsie Moore and I'm a full-time entrepreneur and actress. I’m the Video Presence Coach for purpose driven entrepreneurs; helping you look, sound and FEEL great on-camera. Everything I coach stems from a personal development perspective to help my clients become more natural, comfortable, charismatic and confident in front of the lens to make the impact you desire + finally enjoy doing video!

// F O L L O W
Website | www.kellsiemoore.com
Instagram | @Kellsie_Moore

NOTE: This video is NOT sponsored. All products were purchased by myself. All opinions are my own, 100% candid opinions from personal experience, regardless of sponsorship, referral links, and/or affiliation. Many of the links I share are referral and/or affiliate links; this means that I’ll earn a small commission based on your purchase that do not cost you anything (and will be super grateful and send virtual hugs your way! :)) Thanks for watching my comparison review!


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