Questions to Help You Evaluate Your Goals for 2021
Jan 22, 2021
Every year, no matter what, we don’t know how it is going to unfold. But what we do know is that we have that control of how we react and respond to things that come our way. And what we want to do is set ourselves up for our most desired outcome, the best that we can so we can be more nimble and mobile and adjust and pivot when things surprise us and show up in a way that we did not expect.
As we move into the next level of growth, we need to decide what that “next step” is for us.
Here are some questions that can help you evaluate your goals for 2021.
1️⃣ What am I tolerating in my life right now that’s not serving the life I actually want to be living?
-If you are doing something that’s not in line with your vision, you have the power to change that. Sometimes, we don’t really know the outcome of something until we’re in it, we try it and we take action on it. So let’s allow this space for us to find out.
2️⃣ What am I pretending not to know? What are you pretending not to know so you can continue to avoid something that’s scary?
-When I’m procrastinating, I pretend that I don’t know what to do, I’m not ready, I don’t know how (like making a video). Expand your comfort zone. The more that we do something with a sense of believing and backing ourselves, it will become part of our comfort will make it bigger. Let the challenges change you - for the better.
3️⃣ Do I still love my current goals?
-Your goals may change…and that’s OK. Find those things out and allow ourselves that flexibility. Just check-in and make sure that it's being true to yourself.
4️⃣ Am I being who I want to be? Do my actions, behavior and beliefs support who I want to be? Is my brand supporting that?
-When we are the central focus of our brand, we get to let it reflect our multitude of interests. This is something I'm really going to be working on! So make that intention to share more aspects of yourself.
-You don’t have to share everything. But what you share…even the challenges you’ve faced and overcome, add to your credibility. That’s when your message becomes powerful, impactful, and inspiring, so don’t be afraid to share them.
-We have our own unique things that make us special and interesting. Those will resonate with your correct, ideal audience and it’s what will make you stand out from the rest who are doing the same thing.
5️⃣ What is something that I’ve always wanted to do that I haven’t and why? What do I need to do to make this happen?
In your business, monetary, relationship aspects, do you see the same goals every year? Have the courage to try something new because you will never know how something will end up or feel like, if you don’t give it a go. Check your goals and make it the last time they show up on your list.
Reflect on these questions and I hope you find the answers and the fire to take action on these goals. With continuous practice, reflection and intention, we will become better at making decisions that pave our lives.
When we have that true soulful yearning and desire for something, it attaches to us on a deep level and we are able to tell ourselves that “I want this for my life.” We strongly feel that core soul desire and we can only feel such a thing if they are FOR us. We may not know exactly how our dreams are going to unfold but it points us to the direction of where it is that we want to go and it’s giving us the hope that if we can see and desire it, it means that it’s close to us. It’s on the way to us right now.
It may be coming soon but the time is not here yet and one of the hardest parts of life is having to wait. Patience can be tough because “soon” on our timeline is not necessarily super fast for the universe but it doesn’t mean that it's not on it’s way to us right now. We just have to keep being diligent in our intention, action & focus towards that aligned desire and be ready to receive it when it shows up.