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FREE GIFT: 3 Secrets To Unlock Your Magic On Camera

Learn to Back Yourself!

One of the biggest lies I’ve had to work to overcome is the belief that our income is a direct reflection of our effort. That the hard work and the value of what I put in are what will determine the financial outcome. πŸ’Έ

I know that SOUNDS logical, but in reality - there are TONS of super hard workers and people putting immense value into the world that are still broke. 🀷🏻‍♀️

It’s when we learn to βœ¨Value our Value βœ¨ that the world can value us back.

Learn to walk away from: 

☝Those self-limiting beliefs

☝ The doubts that hold you back from experiencing your potential

☝ The excuses and cynicism that hold you back

☝Listening to people that don’t get what you’re doing 

☝Taking advice from those that don’t have the outcome YOU actually want


πŸ‘‰ VISUALIZE your dream and always choose to take the step toward it.

πŸ‘‰ Think of your WHY and take action from there.

πŸ‘‰ Always BELIEVE in yourself and what you’re capable of.

βœ‹ Remember that YOU are in CONTROL of your life and you HAVE the ability to DECIDE how your life will be.

AND since we are mostly at home nowadays, have you maximized your Netflix or Amazon subscription by watching all the movies on your list? Is that a yes? πŸ™‹

πŸ“½So what makes a film amazing to you? Is it the storyline, the setting, the cinematography, the music? That feeling you get when you experience the actor’s ENERGY just by watching them? When all aspects are done well, we, as the audience can feel deeply moved.

It’s that powerful, compelling energy that they portray that AFFECTS us… and MOVES us... and brings about all the other EMOTIONS that we feel while watching. We cry, we get the chills, we feel like we just beat up the bad guy...we feel what they feel right?

 πŸ“£Being the director of a film, you know how the role should be portrayed and you serve as the guide and create a framework for how the actors should act. 

🎬Being the star or the lead, you’re going to pour your energy into your role. You make your situation or circumstance relatable to your audience, so they can feel the suspension of disbelief and experience it for themselves.

Now how does this all relate to your business as an entrepreneur? 

πŸŽ₯As a “director” of your business, you should know your goals and do what is needed to achieve them. 

πŸ“ƒAs an “actor”, your role is to establish rapport with your client and make them feel that they can also become the hero and the lead of their OWN story.

If you show up in front of the lens in a way that's:



❌anxious and 


...your audience will feel it. 

So don't let those self-limiting beliefs hold you back from creating the BEST movie, which is your LIFE! πŸ™Œ




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