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Kajabi is not for everyone. Is it worth it?

business coaching kajabi Aug 03, 2021

I’m not exaggerating, I remember it was 2 AM and I was *literally* pulling my hair out because I was so done with the tech overwhelm and frustration of nothing working and looking how it was supposed to look or doing what it was supposed to be doing.

I was using the normal platforms at the time in 2018, I was told to use click funnels and infusionsoft. Eventually, when I couldn’t take the clunky, confusing softwares anymore, I started to migrate things over to simple, cheap platforms. BUT those couldn't connect all the pieces, they ended up being even more expensive because everything was separated and they were too basic to do everything I needed them to do. I made a video about my experience with the three top all-in-ones Kartra, Clickfunnels, and Kajabi here that you can watch if you’d like.

Here's a video about how going with the cheap programs actually adds up and can become more expensive than using an amazing all-in-one.

And here is a super long in-depth real-time example comparison review in 2021 of the three top all-in-one's I mentioned before, Clickfunnels, Kartra and Kajabi, so that you can actually see them all in action and determine what style works for you.

But right now, I want to answer the simple question of is Kajabi actually worth it for you? Because it might not be 🤷‍♀️

  1. If you are just starting out, are not yet fully committed to being an online course creator, don’t really have an idea or niche yet or direction or drive, then no there’s a good chance that would be a waste of your money.
  2. If you are only doing one on one, individual coaching, then you might want to look at something like Dubsado or just use Zoom and PayPal for free to get you started until you begin to scale.
  3. If you are selling physical products, not knowledge-based digital products, then I would recommend a Shopify store rather than using Kajabi to grow your business online.
  4. If you have over 100,000+ email contacts in your CRM and are using dozens of different lead magnets and need advanced tagging and segmenting, then I would recommend looking into Ontraport and having a dedicated team member to run your CRM for you. But that would still be a good platform to connect that to Kajabi, I would just consider putting them together.

Does that help?

Ok so let's quickly dive into who exactly Kajabi IS FOR.

If you want to avoid hours and hours of overwhelm and thousands of wasted of dollars trying to piecemeal things yourself and really build your business machine in a cohesive and easy-to-use way, AND one of the following applies to you, then I 100% recommend Kajabi for you.

- You are someone who is monetizing your knowledge by creating digital products, like through a course and you are marketing it and selling it.

- You have or want a website and landing pages and email sequences to bring people through your funnel and courses to sell them, and/or individual coaching, and/or you have a membership community, you have a blog, you have email lists CRM to manage.

- You run a podcast that you want to seamlessly integrate with your website and automatically cross-share on all the hosting sites.

Kajabi does it all of that, and MORE. AND does it better than anyone else (in my opinion, that’s why I demonstrate the difference in my videos if you want to see..)

Are you ready to start your free trial?

Click here now to get your business up and running online asap! 

Because I believe in it so much, I created some awesome bonuses for you if you sign up for your free trial through my link, thank you so much!

      To watch my in-depth video review on Kajabi and other platforms, click here.

Thank you so much for using my affiliate links from this post, it helps me out a TON! Their referral program is INCREDIBLE and when you become a Kajabian, you can get affiliate deals too! 

I appreciate you using my link SO much in fact that I have created TWO MASSIVE bonuses for you simply as a thank you!!

⇨ When you sign up for your free trial of Kajabi with my link here, you will receive two free incredible bonuses: https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/osqqhkpj 

Firstly, Kajabi will be sending you fantastic training videos on how to use the platform to get you started, and there are tons of tutorials on youtube, so really what you probably need, is coaching answers on your specific questions.

So, when you sign up for the trial with any of my links, I will be sending you TWO free thank you bonuses!

When you sign up here: (FREE 30 DAYS)

You get #1) A welcome email from me with a coaching form in it, you can ask any business or kajabi question and get personal coaching back from me!



#2) Once you decide you love it and become a paying member, I will gift you my entire "Be Camera Confident Bootcamp with Social Media Prompts" Bundle!!

These bonuses are designed to truly help support you in the growth and action of your business. I believe in you, you've got this!

Go from Idea to Income in just 2 weeks, click here now: https://app.kajabi.com/r/CgLVQz9h/t/dsszb628 

Want help getting your Kajabi website and courses created and built for you? Matt and his team are who helped me with my website, I highly recommend them! This is their link here: https://www.buzzcube.io/?afmc=1l

xo, Lady Kellsie


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