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My TOP 4 Online Platforms

social media training Feb 10, 2021

I wanted to share with you my TOP 4 online platforms that I swear by in my business since they have made my biz life so much easier and more efficient.

The first one is LOOM. This platform will save you a lot of time and energy when you need to leave a message, give instructions, feedback and replies. It lets you record your face, your voice and your screen. It even allows you to highlight your own screen on how to complete certain tasks. I use it almost everyday to communicate with me team. AND they also have a chrome extension that makes it super accessible, free and easy to use. 👌

The second is ZOOM. This is the perfect platform for your meetings, training, webinars and classes too. It even lets you record the entire meeting so you can play it back! 

My third favorite platform is CALENDLY. It makes online appointment scheduling easy peasy. You can find the perfect meeting time by just sending your link that shows your available dates or even specifies only certain days that you’re willing to take. AND a zoom link will automatically populate anytime an appointment is booked thru your link.

AND the best part about these first 3 platforms is that they have a FREE version. Freaking AMAZING right? 🙌

Lastly, my holy grail platform that ABSOLUTELY changed my business - KAJABI. This platform will help you build, grow, market, expand and reach more clients for your business. You can access your website, landing pages, products, courses, funnels, marketing, community and more from a single dashboard and it works seamlessly together. It houses everything in my business!

➡️ If you'd like to try it out, you may click here and get FREE 14 days!

I encourage you to try these resources out if you haven’t and together, let’s stay connected in the virtual world. 

I would also love it if you shared your favorite platforms that made your biz life easier. 💓

P.S. In this day and age, we have so many tools at our fingertips, that allow us to share our story. BUT we must remember that the most POWERFUL tool is our VOICE. Many incredible and famous people throughout history have used their voice to influence their audience and to make a change in the world. You don’t need to be famous or have a million followers on Facebook, Instagram or on your YouTube channel for your voice to empower or make an impact on someone.

The BEST thing that you can do when using your voice and sharing your story is to be AUTHENTIC because your audience will definitely feel it. AND when they do, that’s when they start to trust you and become inspired. 

SO if you truly and strongly believe in something, then by all means use your VOICE 📣  and share it to the world. You never know how many people you could resonate with you.




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