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Want to Learn at Your            Own Pace?

I offer the top, online video presence course to help you look, sound and feel amazing on Camera.

Be Marvelous You helps you be your best self in life and on-camera. Take a look to see which one fits you the best. Captivate on Camera & The Empowered Life Formula Self Guided Online Course, are amazing programs to guide you to success. 

I Have 2 Online Camera
Courses and 1 Personal Development Course Available

Captivate on Camera Online Course

Captivate on Camera Online Course

I was terrified of being seen, of being known. But the fire to be more, to live bigger, to grow into greatness, burned so strong that I could no longer ignore it and now I’m here to help you do the same. We work together to bring your magnetic, marvelous, authentic self to life through the lens. My goal is to help your life, social media and business soar through genuine connection through video. This online camera course is here to do just that! By mastering your on-camera presence so that you look, sound and FEEL amazing on-camera. 

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Captivate on Camera Online Course

Be Camera Confident Bootcamp

This is the perfect way to start increasing your on-camera confidence and charisma with baby steps and clear, actionable instructions. Get the VIP add-on for over 250 days of converting content calendar prompts for your social media!

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Empowered Life Formula Online Course

Empowered Life Formula Online Course

Use my Empowered Life Formula to transform your life, and to break chains of fear that hold you back from success. My mission is to empower individuals by helping them build self confidence, understanding and a mindset that is run by intentional actions and reflective thinking. This formula teaches you my exact 3XM system of Mindset, Meditation and Manifestation with the practical tools you need to build new thought patterns, habits and get new results. 

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Captivate on Camera Online Course

Drop The Drama Of Getting On Camera, From Captive to Captivating

To exist smaller than who we know we truly are, is excruciating. We don’t find ourselves, we CREATE ourselves in this known life and when we feel that pull, that drive on our heart, to do something more, something greater than what we were told we “should” do, it becomes our duty, our mission, to share that message; our soul’s message. To make it come to life. To make ourselves truly come to life. My online camera course is here to do just that. 

The most accessible and effective way we can do this in our current, modern time - is through the camera. Speaking with our voice, face, non-verbals, our energy, our passion, through the lens, is what can transform the viewer in an instant. It is powerful. It is impactful. And it is time for you to show up in your life in a bigger way, willing to be seen, to be heard, to be known and make the impact you truly desire. 

My story, my journey that has brought me this far, came from a place of feeling so stuck, trapped, small and terrified of being seen, of being known. This is why I created this online camera course. But the fire to be more, to live bigger, to grow into greatness, burned so strong that I could no longer ignore it and now I’m here to help you do the same.

Online Camera Courses for Entrepreneurs
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Online Camera Courses for Entrepreneurs

The Empowered Life Formula Online Course

Use my Empowered Life Formula to transform your life, and to break chains of fear that hold you back from success. 

This is a 6 module mindset/lifestyle online coaching course. Empowerment is the confident feeling that leads to success. My mission is to empower individuals by helping them build self confidence, understanding and a mindset that is run by intentional actions and reflective thinking. Together, we build the future they want. 

I help them choose their life and stop “shoulding” all over themselves. 

When we recognize and accept that power we possess, we are able to design our lives with intention.

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